Scotland 2011
This picture (in October) can only mean one thing:- time to do some route planning for next year’s TGO challenge!
This picture (in October) can only mean one thing:- time to do some route planning for next year’s TGO challenge!
Isle of Mull and Skye Cuillins from south ridge of Bla Bheinn Isle of Mull and Skye Cuillins from south ridge of Bla Bheinn Is July always wet in Skye? Despite rain on 13 out of 14 days it was still possible to enjoy some dry hours and a get a few good pictures
Here is a route with a lot to offer. For me it was a chance to try out some new gear and some old bones. And both did very well. The guides attest to its popularity. But in fact out of season it is quiet – I only met one fellow walker during my 5
West Highland Way in November Read More »
Is this the fate of creative enterprise donated to a society with values at odds with those of the individual? The Ice House in my previous note was similarly trashed several hours after the picture was taken.
Home again snow again 6 Jan 2010 Read More »
It is hard to resist re-taking the same photographs on each trip along the Dorset coast. The scenery is spectacular and quite unlike other parts of the country. The coast path to the east of Lulworth crosses an area used by the military and sometimes a red flag flies high and the area is closed.
Lulworth Cove to Kimmeridge in Dorset Read More »
Local residents take this opportunity to build an extension.
The Morning After – Snow in Caversham, Reading part 3 Read More »
By morning the beer barrels are gone and this has now become an official police incident. At 10am St Peter’s hill is still a no-go area. In the Heights above we guess that those in yellow are paid to be there and have no cars to worry about; the others either have a problem
The Morning After – Snow in Caversham, Reading part 2 Read More »
Eventually a row of beer barrels and a police constable protected Caversham Heights from the frustrated and foolhardy commuters intent on following their fellows to a night of fun and abandon on the side of St Peter’s Hill. Abandoned cars on the usually busy main road of St Peter’s Hill. Probably the last attempt
Snow Holiday in Reading Caversham Read More »
This fellow and many of his friends and relations are running around the hills of Northern Andalucia. We met more than a few on a two day trip to the Aracena national park area north of Seville. Jabugo is a name well-known in Spanish ham, and our stop-off at Alajar was just a few kilometers