For 9 years I was Governor at Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (BHFT). This is one of 3 or 4 pieces in which I have shared some of my experiences.
All governors are different – this is one of the joys of belonging to the team at an NHS Trust. The level of participation varies by individual from almost nothing to a frantic preoccupation with detail. I took a middle road. Here is a copy of my Governor Calendar for a 3 month period just before Covid lockdown in 2020.
Diary of a Governor Nov 2019 – Feb 2020 | ||
6/11/2019 | Joint Council of Governors Meet with Governors and Board of Directors | |
6/11/2019 | Governors’ Membership and Public Engagement Committee | |
12/11/2019 | Trust Board Meeting in public. | |
26/11/2019 | Governors meeting with BHFT West Berkshire Management team | |
4/12/2019 | Formal Council of Governors meeting with Board of Directors Review audit committee report Presentation on Staff wellbeing Agree optional voluntary quality account indicators Receive reports from 3 governor committees Receive patient experience report including new complaints Review Governors’ annual work program | |
10/12/2019 | Trust Board Meeting in public | |
13/12/2019 | Patient Experience Project Steering Group. Discuss workshops to collect views from patients and staff about how a new measure of patient experience should be set-up. | |
18/12/2019 | Visit Campion Ward for Acute Learning Disabilities at Prospect Park Hospital to attend Multi-disciplinary Team Meeting. See a high level of skill and care in one room discussing a limited number of patients in detail. | |
16/01/2020 | Visit BHFT Liaison and Diversion Service Management in Reading. Learn about this important service where BHFT delivers not only in Berkshire but also in Hampshire and Bucks. How much money do BHFT L&D efforts save in other services – the Police, the Courts, and Prison Service? Should this money be diverted back to Mental Health care? | |
20/01/2020 | Patient Experience Project workshop for Mental Health Services | |
23/01/2020 | Patient Experience Project workshop for Community Health Services | |
23/01/2020 | Visit Liaison and Diversion service at Reading Crown Court | |
28/01/2020 | Visit Campion Ward PPH. Complete Quality Group visit from December with ward walk around and discussion with ward manager. | |
5/02/2020 | Joint Council of Governors Strategic update from CEO Equality and Diversity training – presentation Governor questions to the executive Table discussions with non-executive directors Chair’s activities | |
5/02/2020 | Governors Membership and Public Engagement group meeting | |
5/02/2020 | Frimley Integrated Care System meeting with Governors from other trusts – status update | |
6/02/2020 | Visit Liaison and Diversion Service at High Wycombe custody suite (Police Station) and at Magistrate’s Court. Note high motivation of staff, poor working conditions, and lack of progression path for STR workers. | |
14/02/2020 | BHFT West Management meeting with Governors. Updated on care pathway for EUPD patients, and other matters. | |
17/02/2020 | Governor Appointments and Remuneration Committee meeting. Discuss recruitment of new Non-exec Director to replace one who’s term is due to finish later this year. Receive Chair’s appraisals of all non-Exec Directors. | |
20/02/2020 | Joint workshop with Frimley and Surrey and Borders governors on patient engagement. | |
25/02/2020 | Meeting with Trust Chair to discuss forthcoming governor elections and governor DBS reporting | |
27/02/2020 | Chair Governor Quality Assurance group. Discuss service visits and patient experience and complaints. Presentation on Carer Engagement project. |